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Chainlink Labs

Ranked #1 on FlexJobs' List of Top 25 Companies Hiring For Remote Work, Chainlink Labs is a fully distributed company that provides the tools and resources you need to thrive in your remote work environment. Benefits include a monthly co-working space stipend and a generous hardware allowance so you can build your ideal work-from-home setup.

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Chainlink Labs has been ranked #20 in Newsweek's Top 100 Most Loved Workplaces for 2023! This recognition is a testament to a culture built around our core operating principles of true ownership, prioritized focus, and constructive dialogue. We appreciate the importance of connecting, collaborating, and "getting it done" in a fully remote global work environment. Thanks to our team for your dedication to the Web3 vision.

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Chainlink Labs is the leading provider of secure and reliable Web3 services that have enabled trillions of dollars in transaction value across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. Chainlink Web3 services enhance smart contracts by connecting them to real-world data sources and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provide global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains. Chainlink Labs is dedicated to the development and integration of Chainlink as the industry-standard Web3 services platform connecting the world to blockchains. At Chainlink Labs, we empower the broader Chainlink community and build world-class Web3 solutions with global enterprises such as AWS, Google, T-Systems, and leading development teams at the forefront of the smart contract ecosystem, including Aave, Compound, Synthetix, GMX, and many more. Through a fusion of cutting-edge academic research and an industry focus on user needs, our mission is to enable the next generation of smart contracts and build a world powered by truth.